Volume 36 - Article 19 | Pages 589–608  

Adult mortality patterns in the former Soviet Union’s southern tier: Armenia and Georgia in comparative perspective

By Géraldine Duthé, Michel Guillot, France Meslé, Jacques Vallin, Irina Badurashvili, Mikhail Denisenko, Natalia Gavrilova, Karine Kuyumjyan, Liudmila Torgasheva


Background: While the health crisis in the former USSR has been well-documented in the case of Russia and other northern former Soviet republics, little is known about countries located in the southern tier of the region, i.e., the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Objective: This paper presents new mortality information from two Caucasian countries, Georgia and Armenia. Results are compared with information from two relevant countries previously examined in the literature, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

Methods: Using official statistics (with adjustments when necessary), we compare adult mortality patterns in the four countries since 1979, for all causes and by cause for the recent period. For Kyrgyzstan results are presented by ethnicity, as its mortality levels have been impacted by its large Slavic population.

Results: Adult mortality patterns in Armenia and Georgia have been more favorable than in Russia. This appears to be due to a large extent to lower mortality from alcohol-related causes. Mortality patterns in these Caucasian republics resemble those observed in Kyrgyzstan, especially when considering the native portion of the population.

Conclusions: As far as mortality is concerned, Armenia and Georgia have weathered the collapse of the Soviet Union better than Russia. These results document a distinct southern tier pattern of adult mortality in the former Soviet Union.

Contribution: This article enriches our understanding of the health crisis in the former Soviet Union by bringing new information from two lesser-known countries and further documenting the scale of heterogeneity in mortality experiences across this vast region.

Author's Affiliation

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Life expectancy in two Caucasian countries. How much due to overestimated population?
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The question of the human mortality plateau: Contrasting insights by longevity pioneers
Volume 48 - Article 11

Geographical diversity of cause-of-death patterns and trends in Russia
Volume 12 - Article 13

Convergences and divergences in mortality: A new approach of health transition
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Studying multiple causes of death through verbal autopsies: Contribution of an index of similarity
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Frailty at death: An examination of multiple causes of death in four low mortality countries in 2017
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Estimating mortality from census data: A record-linkage study of the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Burkina Faso
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Adult mortality among second-generation immigrants in France: Results from a nationally representative record linkage study
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Estimating mortality from external causes using data from retrospective surveys: A validation study in Niakhar (Senegal)
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On the correspondence between CAL and lagged cohort life expectancy
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Revisiting the mortality of France and Italy with the multiple-cause-of-death approach
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Estimating health expectancies from two cross-sectional surveys: The intercensal method
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Tempo effects in mortality: An appraisal
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