Volume 50 - Article 14 | Pages 393–410
Religious affiliation and child mortality in Ireland: A country-wide analysis based on the 1911 Census
By Lucia Pozzi, Francesco Scalone, Michail Raftakis, Liam Kennedy
Background: Previous studies have identified a link between religious affiliation and child mortality, yet the underlying factors that contributed to this association are not fully understood.
Objective: This study investigates how religious affiliation impacted child mortality in early 20th century Ireland, controlling for socioeconomic status, literacy, and place of residence at both the individual and contextual level.
Methods: We utilize the 1911 IPUMS Irish census, indirect techniques, and regression analysis to examine the role of religious affiliation in child mortality. We therefore perform various OLS regressions, controlling for demographic factors and socioeconomic conditions at both the individual and contextual level, as well as for the three major religious groups.
Results: Our results indicate striking differences in child mortality rates among the three major religious denominations in Ireland in the early 20th century. Catholics recorded the highest child mortality rates, followed by Church of Ireland families, while Presbyterians experienced the best child mortality outcomes. These differences are explained in part by the varying socioeconomic characteristics of each religious group, but religious affiliation is also shown to have mattered. For reasons that are not altogether clear, Jewish communities had lower child mortality rates than the major religious denominations.
Conclusions: Our study highlights the complex interplay between religious affiliation, socioeconomic factors, and child mortality in Ireland in the early 1900s. Our findings reveal a significant association between religious affiliation and child mortality, which persists even after controlling for certain individual socioeconomic characteristics and contextual factors.
Contribution: By utilising the 1911 Irish census data and indirect estimation techniques, the study provides a new perspective on child mortality and its relationship with diverse religious affiliations.
Author's Affiliation
- Lucia Pozzi - Università degli Studi di Sassari (UniSS), Italy EMAIL
- Francesco Scalone - Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy EMAIL
- Michail Raftakis - Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy EMAIL
- Liam Kennedy - Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom EMAIL
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