Dana Glei

Dana Glei

Dana A. Glei is a Senior Research Investigator at Georgetown University and has worked on the Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study (Taiwan) since 2001. During 2002-2009, she also served as project coordinator for the Human Mortality Database (www.mortality.org), a collaborative project involving research teams at the University of California, Berkeley and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. Over the past 20 years, she has published articles on various topics related to health, mortality, biomarkers, and the health effects of the social environment (i.e., exposure to stressors, socioeconomic status, social relationships) and lifestyle factors (e.g., smoking, physical activity). Her current research focuses on evaluating the prognostic incremental value of biomarkers and physical performance assessments in terms of predicting survival and on exploring resilience: why do some people thrive despite adversity? She has a M.A. from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. from Princeton University.


Georgetown University


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