Thierry Eggerickx
Thierry Eggerickx has a degree in history and a doctorate in demography from the UCLouvain. He is a research associate at the FNRS and a professor at the Demographic Research Center of the UCLouvain, of which he is currently the director. His main research topics are the history of the populations of Belgium and its regions, internal migrations, social and spatial inequalities of mortality and demography at the local level.
Université catholique de Louvain
Articles by Thierry Eggerickx
Articles in PubMed
Articles in Google Scholar
04 November 2021 | research article
Volume: 45 Article ID: 33
Pages: 1011–1040
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2021.45.33
02 December 2020 | descriptive finding
Volume: 43 Article ID: 48
Pages: 1413–1428
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.48