Volume 47 - Article 22 | Pages 647–694  

Investigating the application of generalized additive models to discrete-time event history analysis for birth events

By Joanne Ellison, Ann Berrington, Erengul Dodd, Jonathan J. Forster


Background: Discrete-time event history analysis (EHA) is the standard approach taken when modelling fertility histories collected in surveys, where the date of birth is often recorded imprecisely. This method is commonly used to investigate the factors associated with the time to a first or subsequent conception or birth. Although there is an emerging trend towards the smooth incorporation of continuous covariates in the broader literature, this is yet to be formally embraced in the context of birth events.

Objective: We investigate the formal application of smooth methods implemented via generalized additive models (GAMs) to the analysis of fertility histories. We also determine whether and where GAMs offer a practical improvement over existing approaches.

Methods: We fit parity-specific logistic GAMs to data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study, learning about the effects of age, period, time since last birth, educational qualification, and country of birth. First, we select the most parsimonious GAMs that fit the data sufficiently well. Then we compare them with corresponding models that use the existing methods of categorical, polynomial, and piecewise linear spline representations in terms of fit, complexity, and substantive insights gained.

Results: We find that smooth terms can offer considerable improvements in precision and efficiency, particularly for highly non-linear effects and interactions between continuous variables. Their flexibility enables the detection of important features that are missed or estimated imprecisely by comparator methods.

Contribution: Our findings suggest that GAMs are a useful addition to the demographer’s toolkit. They are highly relevant for motivating future methodological developments in EHA, both for birth events and more generally.

Author's Affiliation

Other articles by the same author/authors in Demographic Research

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Educational trends in cohort fertility by birth order: A comparison of England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
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The role of education in the intersection of partnership transitions and motherhood in Europe and the United States
Volume 39 - Article 27

Cross-national differences in women's repartnering behaviour in Europe: The role of individual demographic characteristics
Volume 37 - Article 8

The fertility of recent migrants to England and Wales
Volume 34 - Article 36

Educational differences in timing and quantum of childbearing in Britain: A study of cohorts born 1940−1969
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Commitment and the changing sequence of cohabitation, childbearing, and marriage: Insights from qualitative research in the UK
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Towards a new understanding of cohabitation: Insights from focus group research across Europe and Australia
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Integrating uncertainty in time series population forecasts: An illustration using a simple projection model
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The changing determinants of UK young adults' living arrangements
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