Special Collection 20

Finding Work‒Life Balance: History, Determinants, and Consequences of New Breadwinning Models in the Industrialized World

Published 28 September 2017

This Special Collection of Demographic Research – edited by Trude Lappegård, Frances Goldscheider, and Eva Bernhardt – brings together new knowledge about the tight linkage between two halves of the gender revolution, i.e., women’s increase in labor market participation and men’s greater engagement in the private sphere. The collection illuminates the history and determinants of the changes in gendered labor force participation as well as their consequences for how couples organize their economic and family lives. There is a gap between equal sharing of economic and domestic responsibilities in most countries. Cross-national analyses demonstrate that structural differences – arising from public policies and economic forces that shape couples’ choices – are of greater importance than ideological differences. In addition, the collection shows the importance of employing a wide range of lenses through which to study such a massive phenomenon, including detailed case studies and multi-level comparative studies.

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28 September 2017 | summary

Introduction to the Special Collection on Finding Work-Life Balance: History, Determinants, and Consequences of New Bread-Winning Models in the Industrialized World

Trude Lappegård, Frances Goldscheider, Eva Bernhardt

Volume: 37 Article ID: 26
Pages: 853–866
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.37.26

11 January 2017 | research article

The forest and the trees: Industrialization, demographic change, and the ongoing gender revolution in Sweden and the United States, 1870-2010

Maria Stanfors, Frances Goldscheider

Volume: 36 Article ID: 6
Pages: 173–226
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.6

26 October 2016 | research article

Who brings home the bacon? The influence of context on partners' contributions to the household income

Agnese Vitali, Bruno Arpino

Volume: 35 Article ID: 41
Pages: 1213–1244
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2016.35.41

18 January 2017 | research article

Family migration in a cross-national perspective: The importance of institutional and cultural context

Sergi Vidal, Francisco Perales, Philipp M. Lersch, Maria Brandén

Volume: 36 Article ID: 10
Pages: 307–338
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.10

29 November 2016 | research article

Equality at home - A question of career? Housework, norms, and policies in a European comparative perspective

Susanne Fahlén

Volume: 35 Article ID: 48
Pages: 1411–1440
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2016.35.48

08 February 2017 | research article

Division of housework and his and her view of housework fairness: A typology of Swedish couples

Leah Ruppanner, Eva Bernhardt, Maria Brandén

Volume: 36 Article ID: 16
Pages: 501–524
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.16

Article ID