Special Collection 16

Theoretical Foundations of the Analysis of Fertility

Published 08 July 2015

This Special Collection of Demographic Research — edited by Jens Ehrhardt, Johannes Huinink, and Martin Kohli —contributes to the discussion on theoretical approaches to explain fertility behavior in developed countries from an integrative perspective. As fertility behavior takes place in a multi-level setting of biological, psychological, social, economic, cultural, and political conditions, theories to explain fertility behavior need to be drawn from several academic disciplines and to address different levels of analysis. The SC includes new versions of broadly established theoretical approaches as well as promising other theoretical models, and highlights how these theories complement or compete with each other. It also informs about recent empirical research on fertility based on each of these theories.

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08 July 2015 | editorial

Explaining fertility: The potential for integrative approaches: Introduction to the Special Collection "Theoretical Foundations of the Analysis of Fertility"

Johannes Huinink, Martin Kohli, Jens Ehrhardt

Volume: 33 Article ID: 4
Pages: 93–112
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.33.4

04 April 2014 | research article

When not to have another baby: An evolutionary approach to low fertility

Ruth Mace

Volume: 30 Article ID: 37
Pages: 1074–1096
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.37

24 January 2014 | review article

Children are costly, but raising them may pay: The economic approach to fertility

Martin Werding

Volume: 30 Article ID: 8
Pages: 253–276
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.8

06 June 2014 | research article

Value of Children and the social production of welfare

Bernhard Nauck

Volume: 30 Article ID: 66
Pages: 1793–1824
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.66

31 July 2013 | review article

Fertility intentions: An approach based on the theory of planned behavior

Icek Ajzen, Jane Klobas

Volume: 29 Article ID: 8
Pages: 203–232
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2013.29.8

01 October 2013 | research article

Modeling reproductive decisions with simple heuristics

Peter Todd, Thomas Hills, Andrew Hendrickson

Volume: 29 Article ID: 24
Pages: 641–662
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2013.29.24

03 June 2014 | research article

Couples' fertility decision-making

Petra Stein, Sebastian Willen, Monika Pavetic

Volume: 30 Article ID: 63
Pages: 1697–1732
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.63

06 March 2014 | review article

Social networks and fertility

Laura Bernardi, Andreas Klärner

Volume: 30 Article ID: 22
Pages: 641–670
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.22

15 May 2013 | research article

Societal foundations for explaining fertility: Gender equity

Peter McDonald

Volume: 28 Article ID: 34
Pages: 981–994
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2013.28.34

25 April 2014 | research article

A life-course approach to fertility

Johannes Huinink, Martin Kohli

Volume: 30 Article ID: 45
Pages: 1293–1326
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.45

Article ID