Jean Louis Rallu
Jean Louis Rallu is a demographer who worked in historical and contemporary demography. He analyzed population trends, unions and fertility patterns and family structures in France, in several European countries and in East Asia; international migration from Northern Africa to Europe; migrants’ integration in France; and population and development in the Asia-Pacific. He is a Director of Research at INED and was a visiting fellow for several years at the USP in Fiji, EWC in Honolulu and a population and development advisor at the UNFPA office for the Pacific. He tried to focus on comparative aspects and policy implications and is now interested in migrants’ ageing. He also carried social anthropology fieldworks on colonization and cultural change in Vanuatu.
Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Articles by Jean Louis Rallu
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17 August 2006 | descriptive finding
Female deficit and the marriage market in Korea
Volume: 15 Article ID: 3
Pages: 51–60
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.15.3