Tom Kleinepier

Tom Kleinepier

Tom Kleinepier obtained a Master's degree in Sociology (cum laude) at Tilburg University. He received the Dutch Sociological Association (NSV) biennial thesis award (2010/2011) for his Master thesis entitled “Age at immigration and second language proficiency among immigrants in the Netherlands: Maturational constraints or life-course trajectories?” As of December 2011, he started working as a PhD researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) on the ERC Starting Grant project “Families of migrant origin: A life course perspective” (FaMiLife). His PhD dissertation focused primarily on ethnic differences in family behavior among young adults from migrant and Dutch families in the Netherlands, using quantitative research methods such as event history and sequence analysis. Tom is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on the ERC-funded project “Socio-spatial inequality, deprived neighbourhoods, and neighbourhood effects” (DEPRIVEDHOODS).


Delft University of Technology
+31 (0)6 385 867 94

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