Vicente Fuster

Vicente Fuster

B.Sc. Biology (1976), M.Sc. Physical Anthropology (1977), and
Ph.D. Physical Anthropology (1982) from Complutense University of Madrid.

a) Pregraduate and postgraduate courses: Faculty of Biology, Complutense University of Madrid.
b) Postgraduate courses: Inter-university Master “Physical Anthropology: Evolution and Human Diversity” (Autónoma, Alcalá de Henares and Complutense Universities, Madrid).
c) Other postgraduate courses given in: Córdoba (Argentina), Oviedo (Spain), Philadelphia (USA), and Coimbra (Portugal).

Latest funded research:
Biological and health consequences of delayed maternities in Spain. Influence of immigration and fertility treatments.
Influence of political change modifying the border between Spain and Portugal in Extremadura: Population's genetic structure and historical demography.
Biodemographic study of mortality in Spain: Regional and temporal variability of socioeconomic and environmental factors.

Areas of previous research:
Weight at birth, gestation duration, stillbirths, maternal-foetal characteristics. Multiple deliveries.
Human migration patterns, consanguineous marriages, population relationships based on surname analysis.
Biodemography: sex ratio, seasonal variability, differential mortality and fertility.


Universidad Complutense de Madrid
34 913945113

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