Luca Maria Pesando

Luca Maria Pesando

Luca Maria Pesando is Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYU-AD). Before joining NYU-AD, he was an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Demography in the Department of Sociology and Centre on Population Dynamics, McGill University. His research lies in the areas of social, economic, and digital demography. He is interested in issues of family poverty, inequality, gender, social stratification, intra- and inter-generational processes, technology adoption, and interactions between life-cycle events and human capital accumulation. His overarching research aim is to produce better knowledge on the link between family change, gender, and educational inequalities in areas where these dynamics are changing rapidly and scant research is available.


New York University, Abu Dhabi

Articles by Luca Maria Pesando

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