******************************************************************************************************************************************** This readme file is related to the paper "Unmarried motherhood and infant healht: The role of intimate partner violence in Colombia partner violence Author: Stefania Molina Software: Stata version 17.0 ******************************************************************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************************************************************** 1) Accessing the data ******************************************************************************************************************************************** The data used for this research article is the DHS Colombia 1990-2015. The data can be downloaded free of charge after registration and approval from the website https://dhsprogram.com/data/. To access the specific data, one can download all the datasets for Colombia and then use only the files for the women's questionnaire. These files are called COIR72FL, COIR31FL, COIR61FL, COIR41FL, COIR53FL and COIR22FL. ******************************************************************************************************************************************** 2) Variables ******************************************************************************************************************************************** After merging the dataset from different years, the following variables are used: *Individual id caseid *Weights v021 v022 *Birth weight m19_1 *Education v106 *Partnership status v501 *Sex of the child b4_01 *Information on IPV d118a d118j d118k d118l d105a d105b d105c d105d d105e d105f d105g *Age at birth b2_01 v010 *Birth order bord_01 *Place of residence v025 *Year v007 *Antenatal care visits m14_1 *Pregnancy outcome v230 v228 ******************************************************************************************************************************************** 3) Description of the ZIP file ******************************************************************************************************************************************** The ZIP file includes 6 do-files, as listed below. Remember to include your paths in the do-file 00_master.do. 1) 00_master.do This do-file includes the path to the dataset, and the code to run all other do.files. 2) 01_data.do This do-file includes the dataset download and instructions on merging different survey years. 3) 02_generate.do This do-file includes the construction of the main variables. 4) 03_sample.do This do-file includes the construction of the main sample. 5) 04_descriptive.do This do-file includes the descriptive analysis. 05_regression.do This do-file includes the regression analysis. 06_supplementary.do This do-file includes the supplementary materials, which are in the appendix of the research paper.