Readme for "Infant Mortality among US Whites in the 19th Century: New Evidence from Childhood Sex Ratios". By Jesse McDevitt-Irwin and James R. Irwin. All analysis is done in R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31). See paper for list of packages required. All analysis data is included in the replication folder, and listed below. Please see the online supplemental materials for information on sources. Authors co-wrote all code, but please reach out to Jesse McDevitt-Irwin ( with any questions. Code: Figures-Results.Rmd An Rmarkdown file which reproduces all figures, tables, and regressions from the paper. Requires the data listed below. Data: Data/Fig3.RDS Used in Figure 3, and for regressions. Our full dataset of IMRL:CSR pairs (national and subnational). Data/us_u5pop.RDS # Used throughout the paper (e.g., Table 2). US under-5 populations for calculating childhood sex ratios CSRs. Note the two sources (census volumes and PUMS) in the Psource (population source) column. Data/q0q20.RDS Used in Figure 2 for the points. Mortality rates by country and year, calculated from Human Mortality Database lifetables. Data/haines_q5.RDS Used in Figure 2 for the shaded range. Mortality rates from Haines (1998) for US whites. Data/Fig1.RDS For Figure 1. Infant mortality rates by country Data/hsus_haines.xls Used in several Figures (including Figure 5). Existing estimates of US IMR. Data/Mass.RDS Used in Figure 4. Massachussets data on infant mortality and childhood sex ratios. Data/GAlterPopsFPCV.RDS Used in Figure 6. US (white) sex ratios for 0--4 and for 10--14. Census volumes and PUMS. Data/USAcv5to9.RDS Used in Figure 6. US (white) sex ratios for 5--9 from census volumes. Data/USAfp5to9.RDS Used in Figure 6. US (white) sex ratios for 5--9 from full-count PUMS. Data/BRAprop.RDS Proportion of US population covered by the Birth Registration Area (BRA). Used to shade points in Figures 1 and 5.