The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality in Uruguay from 2020 to 2022 Supplemental Material ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: We provide the following data files, used in the R codes described below: "monthly_deaths_1997-2022.txt": monthly number of deaths observed in Uruguay (both sexes combined) from January 1997 until December 2022. "monthly_deaths_by_age_1997-2022.txt": monthly number of deaths observed in Uruguay (both sexes combined) from January 1997 until December 2022, by age group. "annual_deaths_1900-2022.txt": annual number of deaths observed in Uruguay (both sexes combined) from 1900 until 2022. "monthly_covid_deaths_2020-2022.txt": monthly number of COVID-19 deaths (both sexes combined) in 2020, 2021, and 2022. "corrected_age_specific_deaths_by_covid_and_other_causes": annual number of deaths by sex, age and cause (covid-19 or other) from 2019 to 2022. Death counts in this file have the following corrections: 1) proportional redistribution of deaths with unknown age and 2) redistribution of deaths with an ill defined cause. "deaths_1997-2022_complete.txt": annual death counts by sex ("sexo". Females = "mujeres"; males = "hombres"), age group ("gr_edad"), and detailed cause of death in Spanish ("causa_nombre_clean") with associated ICD-10 codes ("causa_codigos_CIE10"). Labels for larger age groups are also provided ("grupo_causa_nombre_GDESC10" in Spanish) with their corresponding ICD-10 codes ("grupo_codigos_CIE10"). "population_by_age_WPP2022.txt": mid-year population estimates, by age group and sex. ........................... Sources: DEATH COUNTS come mainly from the vital statistics on deaths published regularly by Uruguay's Ministry of Public Health (MSP). MSP's vital statistics can be accessed here: (last accessed: 19/12/2023) For the long time-series in "annual_deaths_1900-2022.txt" we also used the annual estimates of deaths published by the national statistics office (INE) from 1900 until 1996, available here: POPULATION ESTIMATES come from the 2022 revision of the World Population Prospects (UN 2022), published by the Population Division of the United Nations: ........................... Other data used in the analyses are the excess deaths estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), freely available here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER CODES: All analyses were performed in R (version 4.3.0). The following R codes are available in the zipped file: "expected_deaths.R": code to estimate the monthly and annual expected deaths, excess deaths and P-scores for Uruguay, from the beginning of 2020 until the end of 2022. "decomposition.R": code to compute life tables and to decompose the life-expectancy gaps between 2019 and each year from 2020 to 2022 into the contributions by sex, age and cause of death. "p_scores_international_comparison": code to calculate the monthly p-scores for various countries, based on WHO's excess deaths estimates.