R codes and files associated to the paper "Open science practices in demographic research: an appraisal". R files were created using version 4.3.2 Requirements in terms of R packages are described in the preamble of each R file, along with sessionInfo() details; R codes are extensively commented. The .zip archive contains the following three folders: dat : source data (divided into input and output) fun : functions used by the codes (containing list of keywords for text search) out : output figures Moreover, five R codes are provided to replicate the analysis and visualisations (the order of the codes should be followed, i.e. from 01 to 04) Due to very large sizes, the input data folders can be obtained from the OSF repository available at: https://osf.io/3gdzc/ Only open-access publications from Demography (from 2021) and Demographic Research (from 2010) were included here. The underlying data (included in the dat folder) can be downloaded from the journals' websites at: https://www.demographic-research.org/articles/volumes and https://read.dukeupress.edu/demography/issue Non-Open Access publications were not included due to copyrights. The analysis can be replicated on other journals by downloading all volumes and issues (if possible) of interest. Finally, the file "03-combined-cleaned.Rdata" (in data/output) contains the text search results for all 2926 papers analysed.