********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************* readme - Quality of fertility data in web-based Generations and Gender Survey ******************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* This readme file is intended to aid the replicability of the paper "Quality of fertility data in web-based Generations and Gender Survey" by Victor Antunes Leocádio, Anne Gauthier, Rafael Costa, and Monika Mynarska. This document serves as a guide to help you locate and utilize data and codes associated with the research presented in the paper, with the aim to enhance the replicability and transparency of the study, and enable other researchers to effectively utilize data and codes for your own purposes. This readme file is divided into three sections to facilitate your understanding and utilization of the data and codes. First, you will find detailed information on the R codes. We list all the pieces of code and provide a description for each of them. Second, we include the description of the data files. And third, we describe the variables used in the analysis. Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding the data and codes, please feel free to reach out to the corresponding author(s) listed in the paper on victorantunesleocadio@gmail.com. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) With regard to the R codes (version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)), we attached all of them (commented in detail) in the zip file named "R_Codes". Below there is a description of each piece of code based on the names of the files: CTFR_EST: Code used to calculate the Cohort Total Fertility Rate (CTFR) for Estonia; CMAC_EST: Code used to calculate the Cohort Mean Age at Childbearing (CMAC) for Estonia; CPD_EST: Code used to calculate the Cohort Parity Distribution (CPD) for Estonia; PTFR_EST: Code used to calculate the Period Total Fertility Rate (PTFR) for Estonia. CTFR_NOR: Code used to calculate the Cohort Total Fertility Rate (CTFR) for Norway; CMAC_NOR: Code used to calculate the Cohort Mean Age at Childbearing (CMAC) for Norway; CPD_NOR: Code used to calculate the Cohort Parity Distribution (CPD) for Norway; PTFR_NOR: Code used to calculate the Period Total Fertility Rate (PTFR) for Norway. CTFR_FIN: Code used to calculate the Cohort Total Fertility Rate (CTFR) for Finland; CMAC_FIN: Code used to calculate the Cohort Mean Age at Childbearing (CMAC) for Finland; CPD_FIN: Code used to calculate the Cohort Parity Distribution (CPD) for Finland; PTFR_FIN: Code used to calculate the Period Total Fertility Rate (PTFR) for Finland. CTFR_DNK: Code used to calculate the Cohort Total Fertility Rate (CTFR) for Denmark; CMAC_DNK: Code used to calculate the Cohort Mean Age at Childbearing (CMAC) for Denmark; CPD_DNK: Code used to calculate the Cohort Parity Distribution (CPD) for Denmark; PTFR_DNK: Code used to calculate the Period Total Fertility Rate (PTFR) for Denmark. CTFR_SWE: Code used to calculate the Cohort Total Fertility Rate (CTFR) for Sweden; CMAC_SWE: Code used to calculate the Cohort Mean Age at Childbearing (CMAC) for Sweden; CPD_SWE: Code used to calculate the Cohort Parity Distribution (CPD) for Sweden; PTFR_SWE: Code used to calculate the Period Total Fertility Rate (PTFR) for Sweden. CTFR_Graph: Code used to plot Figure 1 – Female’s Cohort Total Fertility Rate (CTFR) by age 40, GGS vs. HFD; CMAC_Graph: Code used to plot Figure 2 – Female’s Cohort Mean Age at Childbearing (CMAC) by age 40 and by birth order, GGS vs. HFD; CPD_Graph: Code used to plot Figure 3 – Distribution of the Female Population at age 44 by Birth Cohort and Parity, GGS vs. HFD; PTFR_Graph: Code used to plot Figure 4 – Female’s Period Total Fertility Rate (PTFR – three preceding years as the reference period), GGS vs. UN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Regarding the data files, data from the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS), the Human Fertility Database (HFD), and the United Nations (UN) can be easily accessed on their websites. The details on how to do it for each of them are below. * GGS data are available at: https://www.ggp-i.org/. The GGS data can be accessed and requested free of charge upon registration on their portal and fulfillment of a form in which the users will describe their research. * HFD data are available at: www.humanfertility.org. The data in the HFD are also provided free of charge to all individuals who request access to the database. The user only needs to make a registration in order to gain full access to the database, which requires accepting the user agreement and answering just a few questions. * UN data are available at: https://population.un.org/dataportal/. The data in the UN portal are also provided free of charge and it does not require any type of registration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) The description of the variables used in the analysis is below: * dem01: gender of the respondent * dem02m: month of birth of the respondent * dem02y: year of birth of the respondent * intdatem: month of interview * intdatey: year of interview * lhi26_: type of the child (if biological, adopted or step child) * lhi29_m: month of birth of the child * lhi29_y: year of birth of the child *** The full questionnaire of the second round of the GGS can be found at: https://www.ggp-i.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/BaselineQuestionnaire_3.1.1.pdf.