From the Publisher and Editor

Since the launch of Demographic Research in 1999, our aim has been to complement established journals by providing a different kind of publishing opportunity. Demographic Research is an online journal with path-breaking characteristics that distinguish it not only from traditional journals but also from other current online journals.

We see Demographic Research as offering fast publication opportunities for high quality research articles, while additionally giving researchers a way to publish less conventional material -- such as descriptive findings, research replications, videos, datasets, and software -- that many journals are unable or reluctant to publish.

Our prime criteria for accepting material for publication are those of discovery, innovation, usefulness, and quality in equal measure. We encourage submission of speculative items, biographic essays, bibliographic compilations, and systematic descriptions of available software or data sources, particularly when accompanied by quality assessments. We maintain demography's traditions of valuing careful description of demographic behavior and interesting empirical findings even before their generality has been established and before they have been grounded in scientific theory. However, we also welcome theoretical contributions which either discuss or establish new theoretical approaches as well as overview papers stimulating scientific debate. We further encourage submission of replications when they contribute to an improvement of one's knowledge of demographic behavior.

Our journal emphasizes diversity and openness, encouraging submissions that employ a variety of methods and approaches. We welcome interdisciplinary contributions that explore population issues from multiple perspectives and invite research from diverse social contexts.

Demographic Research relies on a large board of prominent referees able to give informed recommendations. We aim to ensure strict and confidential review and to maintain high standards of quality, while cutting delay.

We strive for minimal rules and restrictions, minimal turn-around time, minimal costs, and minimal hassle. Demographic Research content has always been distributed free of charge, with no paid subscription necessary. Responses, corrections, and addenda are welcome and will be linked to earlier material to make the journal a "living" source of current knowledge. In this manner we hope to provide an active forum for scientific discourse with a speedy exchange of points-of-view, retorts, and rejoinders.

While we encourage authors to adhere to the established standards of publishing format and length, with the exception of Descriptive Findings we have set no upper or lower limits for the total length of Research Articles or Reflections. Items published in Demographic Research may include data files, computer programs, detailed technical documentation, and lengthy appendices, sometimes also in languages other than English. There is no restriction on the form of tables, maps, or figures. Graphic material can fully exploit colors, animation, interactivity, and other visual opportunities of the electronic medium.

In sum, Demographic Research is an open journal in various senses of the word open: "affording unobstructed entrance or view", "accessible to all", "unhampered by unnecessary restrictions", "inviting", "available for use", "active", "free of prejudice", and "receptive to new ideas and arguments". We aim to be an open and lively forum for scientific debate and discussions, allowing for replicability and corrections, and fostering an environment of interdisciplinary research.

Mikko Myrskylä   Anna Matysiak
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