Volume 19 - Article 61 | Pages 2043–2056  

The effects of socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of regions on the spatial patterns of the Second Demographic Transition in Finland

By Tapani Valkonen, Jenni Blomgren, Timo M. Kauppinen, Pekka Martikainen, Elina Mäenpää


The article studies to what extent regional socioeconomic and cultural characteristics explain spatial patterns in the Second Demographic Transition in Finland. The country’s 75 functional regions are used as area units. A summary indicator of the transition based on divorce and cohabitation is used as the dependent variable. The results show that the spatial pattern is mainly determined according to the regional level of urbanization, but the effect is mediated by cultural characteristics (secularization and support for the socialist and green parties). The cultural characteristics have only a modest independent effect.

Author's Affiliation

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The changing socioeconomic composition of the Finnish prison population
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Contribution of smoking-attributable mortality to life-expectancy differences by marital status among Finnish men and women, 1971-2010
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The role of smoking on mortality compression: An analysis of Finnish occupational social classes, 1971-2010
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Age-specific fertility by educational level in the Finnish male cohort born 1940‒1950
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Homogamy in socio-economic background and education, and the dissolution of cohabiting unions
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Educational differences in all-cause mortality by marital status: Evidence from Bulgaria, Finland and the United States
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Educational differentials in male mortality in Russia and northern Europe: A comparison of an epidemiological cohort from Moscow and St. Petersburg with the male populations of Helsinki and Oslo
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