Special Collection 28

Life-Course Decisions of Families in China

Published 24 July 2020

As China continues its transition to a market economy, there are fundamental changes occurring to all strands of society, from family formation to child raising and education, where to live, whether to migrate, and how to take care of aging population. This Special Collection of Demographic Research – edited by Bing Xu, William Clark, Eric Fong, and Li Gan – brings together economists, sociologists, and demographers to interpret these ongoing changes in Chinese society through the lens of the life course. The papers in the collection, which are based on recent longitudinal data, progress across the spectrum of the life course and provide new ideas about how Chinese society will grapple with the underlying changes in its organization and structure. China is between its traditional past and its modernized future. By placing the research in the life course perspective, this collection generates insights that not only expand our knowledge of the process of change but also reveal how decisions are linked with one another across generations and across domains.

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24 July 2020 | summary

Introduction to the special collection on life course decisions of families in China

Bing Xu, William A.V. Clark, Eric Fong, Li Gan

Volume: 43 Article ID: 5
Pages: 129–142
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.5

24 July 2020 | research article

Transitions to partnership and parenthood: Is China still traditional?

William A.V. Clark, Daichun Yi

Volume: 43 Article ID: 6
Pages: 143–168
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.6

24 July 2020 | descriptive finding

“At three years of age, we can see the future”: Cognitive skills and the life cycle of rural Chinese children

Huan Zhou, Ruixue Ye, Sean Sylvia, Nathan Rose, Scott Rezelle

Volume: 43 Article ID: 7
Pages: 169–182
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.7

24 July 2020 | research article

Life course and cohort effects on Chinese parents' investments in their children

Jingye Shi, Bing Xu, Yi Wei

Volume: 43 Article ID: 8
Pages: 183–216
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.8

24 July 2020 | research article

The lasting impact of parental migration on children's education and health outcomes: The case of China

Zai Liang, Feinuo Sun

Volume: 43 Article ID: 9
Pages: 217–244
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.9

24 July 2020 | research article

The long-run effects of poverty alleviation resettlement on child development: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in China

Jipeng Zhang, Lue Zhan, Chong Lu

Volume: 43 Article ID: 10
Pages: 245–284
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.10

24 July 2020 | research article

Attitudes and preferences towards future old-age support amongst tomorrow’s elders in China

Min Qin, Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou, Athina Vlachantoni

Volume: 43 Article ID: 11
Pages: 285–314
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.11

24 July 2020 | descriptive finding

Living separately but living close: Coresidence of adult children and parents in urban China

Yiqing Gan, Eric Fong

Volume: 43 Article ID: 12
Pages: 315–328
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.12

Article ID