Volume 7 - Article 1 | Pages 1–14  

Decomposing demographic change into direct vs. compositional components

By James W. Vaupel, Vladimir Canudas-Romo


We present and prove a formula for decomposing change in a population average into two components. One component captures the effect of direct change in the characteristic of interest, and the other captures the effect of compositional change. The decomposition is applied to time derivatives of averages over age and over subpopulations.
Examples include decomposition of the change over time in the average age at childbearing and in the general fertility rate for China, Denmark and Mexico. A decomposition of the change over time in the crude death rate in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands is also presented. Other examples concern global life expectancy and the growth rate of the population of the world.

Author's Affiliation

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Variable-r in sex ratios: Formulas in honor of Jim Vaupel
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Comparative evidence of years lived with reproductive-age morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa (2010‒2019)
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The role of reductions in old-age mortality in old-age population growth
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Outsurvival as a measure of the inequality of lifespans between two populations
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Onset of the old-age gender gap in survival
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The impact of the choice of life table statistics when forecasting mortality
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The threshold age of the lifetable entropy
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Life lived and left: Estimating age-specific survival in stable populations with unknown ages
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Expected years ever married
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