Volume 2 - Article 3 | Pages –  

New fertility trends in Norway

By Trude Lappegård


Behind a stable and relatively high fertility level in Norway during the 1990s we find increasing differences in the pattern of fertility both in regard to the timing of the first childbirth and number of children born. In this paper, data from the Central Population Register in Norway are used to provide a review of recent fertility trends and discuss the consequences of education level on differences in fertility patterns. The paper will also provide some indication of aspects that will be dealt with in future projects.

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Introduction to the Special Collection on Finding Work-Life Balance: History, Determinants, and Consequences of New Bread-Winning Models in the Industrialized World
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The link between parenthood and partnership in contemporary Norway - Findings from focus group research
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Towards a new understanding of cohabitation: Insights from focus group research across Europe and Australia
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