Volume 17 - Article 10 | Pages 247–300  

First union formation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: patterns across countries and gender

By Kalev Katus, Allan Puur, Asta Põldma, Luule Sakkeus


This article examines the transformation of first union formation in the Baltic countries between the late 1960s and early 1990s, in the context of societal and family-level gender relations. The analyses employ microdata from the European Family and Fertility Surveys program. Our results on the trends indicate that in Estonia and Latvia the shift from direct marriage to cohabitation started well before the fall of socialist regime. Event-history models provide support for a hypothesised association between union formation and gender system, with Lithuania showing more traditional features in both respect, plausibly embedded in long-standing cultural differences between the countries.

Author's Affiliation

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Childbearing among first- and second-generation Russians in Estonia against the background of the sending and host countries
Volume 36 - Article 41

Partnership dynamics among migrants and their descendants in Estonia
Volume 32 - Article 56

Varying association between education and second births in Europe: Comparative analysis based on the EU-SILC data
Volume 31 - Article 27

Jobs, careers, and becoming a parent under state socialist and market conditions: Evidence from Estonia 1971-2006
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Longevity of World War II Estonian volunteers in the Finnish Army: A follow-up study of the impact of the post-war life course and repressions
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Co-ethnic marriage versus intermarriage among immigrants and their descendants: A comparison across seven European countries using event-history analysis
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Socioeconomic and cultural differentials in mortality in a late 19th century urban setting: A linked records study from Tartu, Estonia, 1897-1900
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Effects of education on second births before and after societal transition: Evidence from the Estonian GGS
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Reconciling studies of men’s gender attitudes and fertility: Response to Westoff and Higgins
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Men's childbearing desires and views of the male role in Europe at the dawn of the 21st century
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